Awesome Faith & Awesome Science
Cosmology is the study of the origin, structures, and the future of the universe. On the other hand, astronomy is the study of the stars, galaxies, planets, and moons. Cosmology is theory. Astronomy is observations. The age of the universe cannot be measured directly because of astronomical distance we need to travel using the speed unit of light years. However, we use our observations of what we see repeatedly to draw more concrete conclusions and develop theories.
Scientist and astronomers from biblical times to the present times use mathematics, physic, technical knowledge, and their faith traditions that was practice during those times to estimate cosmic time. Cosmic time was used to describe the history and the events of the big bang starting with the fraction of a second of great energy release phenomena. Time then came into existence (Genesis1:1-3).
excerpt from Faith comes by Hearing Science comes by Seeing, pp.43-48